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March 24, 2020

Hello Legacy Parents – we wanted to touch base with you before we technically begin our scheduled spring break, which runs from March 26-April 10.

As we continue to work to stay ahead of the COVID-19 curve while following the directives by health officials, our Governor, and the State Board of Education, we are committed to maintaining our high standards of education and safety for your students. Realizing this might require an online component, depending on where things stand in a couple of weeks, we want to be as prepared as possible.

Therefore, we need your assistance by providing the following information to us as soon as possible:

If you do not have WIFI access at home, please reply to saying so, making sure to include the names and grades of your students attending our school. While our teachers have a pretty good idea of which families might be without WIFI service, we want to do our best to confirm the information. Thank you for your quick replies.

We will remain in contact with you over spring break, so please be sure to check email often, as well as the school’s website and social media.

Take care and stay well,
Mr. Seth Stallcop