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Lottery Updates

April 15 is sign-up deadline for Liberty, Victory & Legacy Charter Schools’ Annual Lotteries


            Nampa, ID -- April 15, 2025, is more than tax day this year, it’s also the deadline for parents and guardians to sign up their children for the annual lotteries for the Liberty, Victory, and Legacy Charter School Districts. Each of these school district’s lottery will determine its 2025-2026 waiting lists. Although Liberty, Victory, and Legacy are all Harbor Schools in Nampa, each school is considered its own district, requiring separate lotteries to be held. Therefore, those interested must sign up their children at each school in one of the following ways:


*  Complete the lottery form at each school in Nampa during school hours, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday-Friday. Liberty is located at 9955 Kris Jensen Lane; Victory at 9779 Kris Jensen Lane; and Legacy at 4015 S. Legacy Way.  

*  Go to each school’s website:,,, and follow the instructions for submitting online, by email, or fax. Instructions in Spanish are also available on each school’s website.


Parents and guardians can confirm that the schools received their lottery submissions by calling Liberty at 208-466-7952, Victory at 208-442-9400, and Legacy at 208-467-0947. The schools will hold their lotteries on April 23, 2025, as follows: Liberty at 3 pm, Victory at 3:45 pm, and Legacy at 4:30 pm. If a parent/guardian needs to complete the forms in a format other than English, or needs an interpreter to assist in completion, assistance by the school(s) will be provided. Those needing this service, please contact the school prior to April 15, 2025, to make arrangements.


            Liberty, Victory, and Legacy Charter Schools are public schools and, therefore, do not charge tuition.

More information about Liberty, Victory, and Legacy:


*  Liberty, Victory and Legacy Charter Schools are Harbor Method Schools that offer an advanced learning curriculum that teaches above grade-level academics while providing multiple opportunities for students to learn concepts. We hold to the premise that all children are capable of learning much more than we suspect and if they don’t get today, they’ll get it tomorrow; if not tomorrow, then next week, and so on, and we build in the support necessary to provide the means to make it happen.

*  Liberty, Victory, and Legacy Charter Schools operate on a modified, year-round schedule, which includes a two-week break in October, a one-week Thanksgiving break, and two-week break over Christmas & New Year’s, a two-week spring break, and a nine-week summer.

*  All three school districts operate on a five-day school week.

*  Liberty, Victory, and Legacy Charter Schools outperform nearby school districts’ and the State’s overall ISAT testing annual outcomes.

*  Again this past year, Liberty and Victory both saw 100% of its high school seniors graduate.

*  Liberty and Victory are K-12 schools. Legacy is a K-8 school.

*  All three offer the federal, free & reduced breakfast and lunch program, as well as busing.

*  The Harbor Method’s anti-bullying stance has created a character education program that puts in place high expectations for behavior for students, teachers, staff, and parents that has resulted in zero to near-zero reports of bullying incidents year over year.

*  Liberty and Victory’s high schools have robust college concurrent credit programs that allow students the opportunity to earn up to two years’ worth of college credit by the time they graduate at virtually no cost to parents. Also, through dual enrollment, high school students at Liberty and Victory can take advantage of class offerings at each school.

*  All three school districts are among Idaho’s top schools/districts in terms of academic performance, earning them each the designation as a “Top Performer” from the State. Their students’ educational outcomes have also earned them distinctions as “Goal-Makers” by the State.

* The high schools at Liberty and Victory offer a variety of extra-curricular activities, including sports, travel abroad, school/community service, National Honor Society, and student government. The sports programs routinely advance to district and State tournaments, and student athletes have received college academic and athletic scholarships. Victory’s music program has become one of the strongest in the State, with its concert choir receiving high marks at State and regional festivals, and its advanced jazz ensemble performing by invitation at state and regional music educators’ conventions. Music students often place or win in their division at State and regional competitions and are routinely awarded music scholarships.


To learn more about each school district, please visit their websites. School tours can be scheduled by calling each school. To learn more about each school’s academic outcomes and to compare with other schools and districts, visit


Notice of Non-Discrimination: In accordance with applicable federal and state laws, such as Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act and ADA Amendments, Liberty Charter School District #458, Victory Charter School District #451, and Legacy Charter School District #478 do not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, disability, marital status, genetic information, veteran status, or any other protected status under federal, state of local law applicable to Liberty, Victory, or Legacy, in their education programs and activities, in employment policies and practices, and all other areas of each school district. The full Notice of Non-Discrimination can be found on each school district’s website.               [Posted to school website & school building front office window 9/27/2024 to 4/23/2025]


El 15 de Abril es la fecha límite para inscribirse en las loterías anuales de las escuelas autónomas Liberty, Victory y Legacy


Nampa, ID – El 15 de Abril de 2025 no es solo el día de presentación de impuestos este año, sino también la fecha límite para que los padres y tutores inscriban a sus hijos en las loterías anuales de los distritos escolares Liberty, Victory y Legacy Charter School. La lotería de cada uno de estos distritos escolares determinará sus listas de espera para 2025-2026. Aunque Liberty, Victory y Legacy son escuelas Harbor Schools en Nampa, cada escuela se considera un distrito propio, por lo que se requieren loterías separadas. Por lo tanto, los interesados ​​deben inscribir a sus hijos en cada escuela de una de las siguientes maneras:

-       Complete el formulario de lotería en cada escuela de Nampa durante el horario escolar, de 8 a. m. a 3 p. m., de lunes a viernes. Liberty está ubicada en 9955 Kris Jensen Lane; Victory en 9779 Kris Jensen Lane; y Legacy en 4015 S. Legacy Way.

-       Visite el sitio web de cada escuela:,,, y siga las instrucciones para enviar el formulario en línea, por correo electrónico o fax. Las instrucciones en español también están disponibles en el sitio web de cada escuela.


Los padres y tutores pueden confirmar que las escuelas recibieron sus formularios de lotería llamando a Liberty al 208-466-7952, a Victory al 208-442-9400 y a Legacy al 208-467-0947. Las escuelas realizarán sus loterías el 23 de Abril de 2025, de la siguiente manera: Liberty a las 3:00 p. m., Victory a las 3:45 p. m. y Legacy a las 4:30 p. m. Si un padre o tutor necesita completar los formularios en un formato que no sea inglés, o necesita un intérprete para que lo ayude a completarlos, se le brindará asistencia por parte de la(s) escuela(s). Aquellos que necesiten este servicio, comuníquese con la escuela antes del 15 de Abril de 2025 para hacer los arreglos.


Las escuelas charter Liberty, Victory y Legacy son escuelas públicas y, por lo tanto, no cobran matrícula.


Más información sobre Liberty, Victory y Legacy:


-Las escuelas autónomas Liberty, Victory y Legacy son escuelas Harbor Method que ofrecen un plan de estudios de aprendizaje avanzado que enseña materias académicas superiores al nivel de grado y, al mismo tiempo, brinda múltiples oportunidades para que los estudiantes aprendan conceptos. Nos basamos en la premisa de que todos los niños son capaces de aprender mucho más de lo que sospechamos y, si no aprenden hoy, lo harán mañana; si no mañana, la semana que viene, y así sucesivamente, y brindamos el apoyo necesario para brindar los medios para que esto suceda.

 Las escuelas autónomas Liberty, Victory y Legacy funcionan con un programa anual modificado que incluye un receso de dos semanas en octubre, un receso de una semana por el Día de Acción de Gracias y dos semanas de receso durante Navidad y Año Nuevo, dos semanas de receso de primavera y nueve semanas de receso de verano.

 Los tres distritos escolares funcionan con una semana escolar de cinco días.

 Las escuelas autónomas Liberty, Victory y Legacy superan los resultados anuales generales de las pruebas ISAT de los distritos escolares cercanos y del estado.

 Nuevamente el año pasado, Liberty y Victory vieron graduarse al 100% de sus estudiantes de último año de secundaria.

 Liberty y Victory son escuelas K-12. Legacy es una escuela K-8.

 Las tres ofrecen el programa federal de desayuno y almuerzo gratuito o de precio reducido, así como también transporte en autobús.

La postura antibullying de The Harbor Method ha creado un programa de educación del carácter que establece altas expectativas de comportamiento para estudiantes, maestros, personal y padres, lo que ha dado como resultado cero o casi cero informes de incidentes de bullying año tras año.

 Las escuelas secundarias de Liberty y Victory tienen sólidos programas de créditos universitarios concurrentes que les permiten a los estudiantes la oportunidad de obtener hasta dos años de créditos universitarios al momento de graduarse prácticamente sin costo para los padres. Además, a través de la inscripción dual, los estudiantes de secundaria de Liberty y Victory pueden aprovechar las ofertas de clases en cada escuela.

 Los tres distritos escolares se encuentran entre las mejores escuelas/distritos de Idaho en términos de desempeño académico, lo que les valió a cada uno la designación de "Mejor desempeño" del estado. Los resultados educativos de sus estudiantes también les han valido distinciones como "Creadores de metas" por parte del estado.  Las escuelas secundarias de Liberty y Victory ofrecen una variedad de actividades extracurriculares, que incluyen deportes, viajes al exterior, servicio escolar/comunitario, Sociedad Nacional de Honor y gobierno estudiantil. Los programas deportivos avanzan rutinariamente a torneos distritales y estatales, y los estudiantes atletas han recibido becas universitarias académicas y deportivas. El programa de música de Victory se ha convertido en uno de los más sólidos del estado, con su coro de conciertos recibiendo altas calificaciones en festivales estatales y regionales, y su conjunto de jazz avanzado actuando por invitación en convenciones de educadores musicales estatales y regionales. Los estudiantes de música a menudo se ubican o ganan en su división en competencias estatales y regionales y reciben becas de música de manera rutinaria.


Para obtener más información sobre cada distrito escolar, visite sus sitios web. Se pueden programar visitas a las escuelas llamando a cada escuela. Para obtener más información sobre los resultados académicos de cada escuela y compararlos con los de otras escuelas y distritos, visite


Aviso de no discriminación: De conformidad con las leyes federales y estatales aplicables, como los Títulos VI y VII de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, el Título IX de las Enmiendas a la Educación de 1972, la Ley de Discriminación por Edad en el Empleo y la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades y las Enmiendas a la ADA, el Distrito Escolar Charter Liberty #458, el Distrito Escolar Charter Victory #451 y el Distrito Escolar Charter Legacy #478 no discriminan ilegalmente por motivos de sexo, raza, color, origen nacional, edad, discapacidad, estado civil, información genética, condición de veterano o cualquier otra condición protegida por la ley federal, estatal o local aplicable a Liberty, Victory o Legacy, en sus programas y actividades educativas, en las políticas y prácticas de empleo y en todas las demás áreas de cada distrito escolar. El Aviso de no discriminación completo se puede encontrar en el sitio web de cada distrito escolar. [Publicado en el sitio web de la escuela y en la ventana de la oficina principal del edificio escolar del 27 de septiembre de 2024 al 23 de abril de 2025]



Target Student Population   I.C. 33-5205(4)
Primary Attendance Area
Legacy Public Charter School is located at the southeast corner of Locust Lane and Southside Road intersection within the Nampa School District.  Based 
upon this location, the primary attendance area would be as follows:
North Boundary: The center of East Greenhurst Road to include only property on the south side of the road.
East Boundary: The center of Happy Valley Drive to include only property on the west side of the road.
South Boundary: The center of East Lewis Lane to include only property on the 
north side of the road.
West Boundary: The center of South Powerline Road to include only property on 
the east side of the road.

Requests for Admission
Legacy Public Charter School will comply with Section 33-5205(3)(j) of the Idaho Code to establish policy and procedure for admission. A parent, guardian, or other person with legal authority to make decisions regarding school attendance on behalf of a child in this state, may make a request in writing for such child to attend Legacy Public Charter School.  In the case of a family with more than one (1) child seeking to attend Legacy Public Charter School, a single written request for admission must be submitted on behalf of all siblings.  The written request for admission must be submitted to, and received by, Legacy Public Charter School on or before the enrollment deadline established by the Governing Board.  The written request for admission shall contain the name, grade level, address, and telephone number of each prospective student in a family. If the initial capacity of Legacy Public Charter School is insufficient to enroll all prospective students, then a lottery shall be utilized to determine which prospective students will be admitted to Legacy Public Charter School.  Only those written requests for admission submitted on behalf of prospective students that are received prior to the enrollment deadline established by the Governing Board shall be permitted in the lottery.  Only written requests for admission shall be considered by the Governing Board.  Written requests for admission received after the established enrollment deadline will be added to the bottom of the waiting list for the appropriate grade.  If there is an opening in one grade, a sibling, if any, from a late submitted application must go to the bottom of the sibling list.

Admission Preferences I.C. 33-5206 & 33-5205(3)(j)
Legacy Public Charter School has established an admission preference for students residing within the primary attendance area of the school.   In addition, Legacy has established admission preferences for returning students, for children of founders and full-time employees of the school, and for siblings of students already selected to attend the school.

 Priority of Preferences for New Enrollments
Preferences for new enrollments shall be as follows:
a.       First, to pupils returning to Legacy Public Charter School in the second or any subsequent year of operation. Returning students are automatically enrolled in the appropriate grade and do not need to be selected by a lottery.
b.      Second, to children of founders and full-time employees provided that this admission preference shall be limited to not more than ten percent (10%) of the capacity of Legacy Public Charter School.
c.       Third, to siblings of pupils already enrolled in Legacy Public Charter School.
d.      Fourth, to prospective students residing in the primary attendance area of Legacy Public Charter School. 
e.       Fifth, to prospective students residing outside the primary attendance area of Legacy Public Charter School.

  Equitable Selection Process
If the initial capacity of Legacy Public Charter School is insufficient to enroll all prospective students, or if the capacity is insufficient to enroll all prospective students in subsequent school years, then the Governing Board shall determine the students who will be offered admission to Legacy Public Charter School by conducting a lottery.  The selection procedure, unless otherwise determined by the Governing Board and then approved by the school’s authorizer, shall be conducted as follows:

  Legacy uses a randomized electronic system to establish waiting lists order.  The selection procedure shall be conducted one (1) grade level at a time, with the order of grade levels selected randomly.   

  A neutral, third party shall observe and authenticate each grade's waiting list.   There is a waiting list for each priority level for each grade. For example, each grade will have a founder list, a sibling of enrolled students list, in-boundary list, and an out of boundary list. 

  Final Selection List
The names of the persons in highest order on the final selection list shall have the highest priority for admission to Legacy Public Charter School in that grade, and shall be offered admission to Legacy Public Charter School in such grade until all seats for that grade are filled.

Notification and Acceptance Process
Legacy Public Charter School will comply with Idaho State Board of Education Rules Governing Public Charter Schools IDAPA 08.02.04 for the Notification and Acceptance Process.
Subsequent School Years
Legacy Public Charter School will comply with Idaho State Board of Education Rules Governing Public Charter Schools IDAPA 08.02.04 for Subsequent School Years.

Enrollment Cap
Each grade shall be made up of one class per grade level kindergarten through eighth grade and the total enrollment capacity for the school will be 325 students.  The enrollment cap for each grade level shall be:

  • Kindergarten               26  students
  • First Grade                  30  students
  • Second Grade           32  students
  • Third Grade                32  students
  • Fourth Grade              35  students
  • Fifth Grade                  35  students
  • Sixth Grade                 60  students
  • Seventh Grade           50  students by year 3 (16 in Harbor Room on rotation)
  • Eighth Grade              50 students by year 3  (16 in Harbor Room on rotation)

(Legacy Public Charter School Contract, 2011 -- amended 2012)